National Missing Persons Week 2018

National Missing Persons Week 2018

National Missing Persons Week (NMPW) is an annual event held during the first week of August which aims to raise awareness of the significant issues associated with missing persons, as well as helping to reduce the incidence and impact of missing persons in Australia.

NMPW originated in 1988 in Townsville following the disappearance of Queensland resident, Tony Jones, in 1982. The inaugural week took place with a memorial service, where the Mayor of Townsville planted a tree in commemoration of Mr Jones.

This year, NMPW will run from the 5-11 August, and will see the 30 year anniversary of the week commemorated across the country.

To acknowledge and celebrate this milestone anniversary, the NMPCC will create a digital campaign to promote the week. The target audience being the wider Australian community; those who have perhaps never thought about a missing person, or believe the impact of a missing person will never affect them.

To commence the week, the NMPCC will be launching a short film displaying the effects of a missing loved one on family left behind. The film aims to provide insight into the emotional struggle, the not knowing and the waiting for answers that families experience when a loved one is missing.

The NMPCC will supplement the short film by launching a campaign titled ‘30 for 30’, advertising 30 missing persons for 30 years of NMPW. The campaign will highlight missing persons cases, and will touch on the different reasons why people go missing as well as the impact on families and friends let behind.

Through our corporate supporters the Outdoor Media Association, the NMPCC will once again partner with Australia’s Out of Home advertising industry to display the faces of the selected 30 missing persons across Australia.

How you can help!

During 5-11 August 2018, we ask you to keep an eye out around your city and on social media. Take a moment to look at the faces of our long-term missing; keeping the families of those missing in your thoughts.

Let’s continue to raise the awareness of missing persons within our community.

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